
The Internet Geneva session will be (virtually) hosted by the Digital Law Center. The goal of the session will be to present and discuss the topic of
cyberinsurance and the policy challenges that it raises (with the goal to explore the interest to continue the discussion/project in a way to be defined).

The session will be hosted and led by Prof. Jacques de Werra and Dr. Yaniv Benhamou of the Digital Law Center who will present the key elements of an article that they
have written on the topic of cyberinsurance which explores the potential measures that can be taken by policy-makers in order to enhance cybersecurity of companies from a Swiss and comparative law perspectives (see the article in French).
This article is based on an a report that the authors drafted for the State of Geneva on cyberinsurance, in which legal issues and measures to be taken by policy-makers to enhance cyberinsurance have been mapped, as well as on a 2-year research project on Cybersecurity
Law & Policy relating to civil liability


Yaniv Benhamou

Professeur associé à la Faculté de droit, avocat
Membre de la Commission de direction

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Jacques de Werra

Directeur du Centre de Droit du Numérique
Professeur à la Faculté de droit

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Contact & renseignements

If you have any question, please feel free to contact the Digital Law Center at digitallawcenteratunige [point] ch

