Hélène Bruderer/Ana Andrijevic, Ph.D Candidates, Legal Researchers at the Digital Law Center
Submission made in the course of the EU consultation on the Digital Services Act package, Dr Adrien Alberini, LL.M., Affiliated Researcher at the Digital Law Center, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Geneva
Interview with Prof. Jacques de Werra in Geneva Solutions, 26.08.2020.
Jacques de Werra / Yaniv Benhamou, Cyberassurance: instrument utile pour la cybersécurité des entreprises? , in: Jusletter, 24.08.2020.
Jacques de Werra / Yaniv Benhamou, Kunst und geistiges Eigentum. In: Kultur Kunst Recht. Bâle : Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2020. p. 707-792.
Submission made in the course of the WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property (IP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Prof. Jacques de Werra, Dr Yaniv Benhamou, Ana Andrijevic.